A sign summer is coming. The action film promo’s have begun.

Besides the normal signs that winter is ending like Groundhog Day and the days getting longer in terms of daylight, is the promos start ramping up for the big summer films.

After seeing the first glimpse of footage I think Captain America is one of the films I am most anticipating this summer.  From what they showed in the 30 second Super Bowl spot, it looks promising and  i am eager to see more.

The latest X-Men trailer looks good, and at least it likely will be a bit different than the other three, since this one is set in the 1960’s instead of modern day as the first three.

Thor also shows some promise in what I have seen. Anthony Hopkins who plays a part in this movie, is always great to see, along with Natalie Portman who I have enjoyed for a long time.

So after seeing these promos and the ones for the new Pirates of the Caribbean and Cowboys and Aliens, certainly seems like this year’s summer films have some real promise. Hopefully they live up to their promise.

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