Rubicon: Promising Summer series

Looks to be another promising summer TV series from AMC.  Since work in politics always enjoy a good tv show based around that area.  I am also a sucker for conspiracies, always had a fascination with them.  TV show poster and cast information under cut.

“Rubicon revolves around a secret society that pulls the strings on the world political stage. The series focuses on an analyst at a national think tank who discovers that his employers are not who they seem to be.”

via Trailer: AMC’s New Television Series Rubicon | /Film.

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Obama & his role in the Democratic party.

From the parts I have read from this long NYT magazine article, they make some good points about what role Obama should play in helping to continue to build the Democratic party.  The article talks about the tug and pull between Obama and the message the White House is putting out and what Democratic members of congress want to see Obama message focus on.

As a history major I found this quote from the article quite interesting,  How long lasting effects of election outcomes can have in political parties, or in the case of the 1994 election quite the shock to the party:

“It is difficult to overstate the role that 1994 plays in the tormented psyche of the Democratic Party. For those who went through them, those midterms were less a bunch of elections than a single, sudden event that they never saw coming until it was on them, like something out of “War of the Worlds.” Most of the Democrats who woke up firmly in control of American government on Nov. 8, 1994, had no memory of a time when they didn’t make all the laws, and they couldn’t really conceive of it; by nightfall, 40 years of near-total Democratic dominance in both houses of Congress had been washed away.”

Via: Democrat in Chief? –

Twins opening day

I have been meaning to write this post for a few days now, just never got around to it. I am quite excited for the twins opening day tomorrow since it will be the first regular season game in their new stadium. The best part of is that I get to go to the game in person after all. Last Tuesday night when I was watching the Twins game, they said on the broadcast that the Twins had put a limited number of tickets on sale for the home opener since the red sox’s and I think some other groups had returned tickets.

It will be great to be able to go the first regular season game in the stadium, since I was also able to go to the first ever regular season game for the Minnesota Wild and their new arena.  I will try to post my thoughts on the new stadium some time this coming week after the game tomorrow. Will certainly be interesting to see since have heard a lot of good things about the stadium.