Tag Archives: The Martian

The Martian, The first great fall movie release?

the-martianThe book The Martian by Andy Weir, has become my favorite book I have read in the last few years. It also ranks up there as one of my all time favorites so far with a handful of other books. Which leads into the excitement I felt when I saw that the book going to be made into a movie with a bunch of actors I like. Among those are Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain. The trailers and videos I have seen so far for the movie makes me think that it has the possibility to be a very good movie.

I have embedded the most recent trailer that came out a day or two ago, and I like this trailer more than the first one that came out a few months ago. It sets up the story well and I like the song that they paired with the trailer.

I would also consider the release of The Martian the kick off to the fall/winter movie season. I am looking forward to a great movie season this fall and winter, with the highlights including the new James Bond film Spectre, the conclusion to the Hunger Games series Mockingjay Part 2 and of course to finish off the year Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens. With that kind of movie line-up it almost starts to rival what we have seen some summers for blockbuster films.

If you could not tell already I am excited for The Martian to come out on October 2nd 2015.